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Numerous home buyers, specifically new ones aren’t familiar with the occupancy certification and constantly mistake it to be the same as the possession letter. There are several documents, which are demanded during the purchase of a property, and carrying them could prove to be a tedious process. The Objection Certification is a key document, which must be sought and buyers have the right to take legal action against the inventor of the same isn’t given to them. Possession certifications and Occupancy certifications are two important validation that every home buyer must retain. Still, there are some of us, who don’t know about them in detail.

What is a possession certificate?

A possession certification is a form that’s delivered by the builder while dealing real estate to a client stating the date of possession. The possession certification is issued by gazetted officer or tahsildar in the countryside area and RDO ( Revenue Divisional Officer) in municipal areas. One can apply this paper while applying for a home loan from a Bank. The possession certification also contains the timeline of the final payment that has to be paid by the buyer. Including the former one, there are 2 other types to the possession certification. They’re a Conditional possession certification and occupancy certification.

What’s a Conditional possession letter?

A conditional possession letter is a paper through which the buyer can state his displeasure with the builder asking for the modification of the real estate or redesigning the architecture according to his desire. To put it simply, let’s say you are not satisfied with the property through the property is in your possession. This dissatisfaction could be anything. Varied from the bad integrity of the property, insufficient construction, or faulty work. In that situation, you can get a conditional possession letter and convey your displeasure with the builder’s duplication of the letter. In that letter, you can put all the necessary details you want to change about the architecture and ask the builder to make those necessary changes. However, also you can take the matter to court If the builder fails to complete those particulars.

How to get a possession certification?

Regional authorities issue the possession certification after interrogating the ground whether it has been made according to the approved blueprint or whether it’s disintegrating any regional laws. However, also it’s probable to be issued within seven working days If there’s none. It’s issued by the regional authorities to the buyers.

Necessary credentials are demanded to issue possession certification. To get a possession certification, you have to submit the following papers

  • Project inception certification.
  • Project completion certification.
  • Rearmost property tax invoice.
  • Duplicate paper of the approved blueprint

What if you do not have a possession certification while buying real estate?

Without the proper certifications, you will not be suitable to put out your right over the property as there has been no proper transfer of possession, and you have no right to inhabit or use the property for any purpose. The absence of a possession certification signifies that the property is still fairly under the possession of the builder. Where the buyer is inhabiting unethically, in similar circumstances, the buyer can be asked to move out from the property by the regional civil authorities.

Is enrollment for possession certification necessary?

A possession instrument is needed to gain any particular benefits of the Government Subventions like Tax subventions and further. To gain those benefits, the possession instrument needs to show that the possession of the house lies with you.

What’s an occupancy certification?

A possession certification will not certify you as the deserved proprietor of the property unless you get an occupancy certification. An occupancy certification implies that you’re the justified proprietor of the property. In the Indian real estate sector, it’s compulsory to hold an occupancy certificate. However, also the regional city board can give judgment on the property as an illegal asset If you do not have one. This validation or certification is issued by the regional authorities that are the regional public authorities, certifying that the entire construction work has been finished as per the agreed plan and the structure is ready for occupation. It also implies that the property has been constructed in support of the regional acts.

Difference between Possession certification and occupancy certification

A possession certification implies the completion date of a certain building, or it states that the property is owned by you. It does not confirm you as the deserved proprietor of the property. Likewise, on the other hand, the occupancy certification states the completion of the design as it states the structure is ready to be immersed. It also states you as the justified proprietor of the property.

How to get an Indian real estate occupancy certification?

In every state of India, the procedure of issuing occupancy certifications is different from each other. In Karnataka, an occupancy certificate is issued by a statutory administration. Similar to BBMP (Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike) or BDA (Bangalore development authority).  In Karnataka, As needed by the law, all builders and inventors in the state are supposed to register their ongoing systems with Karnataka RERA (Real Estate Regulatory Authority).

Importance of the Occupancy Certificate

You should get hold of the occupancy certification and possession certification before purchasing a home. They’re required when you decide to deal with your house or mortgage. Every buyer should purchase a property purely after the completion of necessary papers. Because without the occupancy certification, the regional authorities can suppose the property as illegal.

Necessary documents demanded to issue occupancy certification

  • Submission of the necessary paperwork along with the operation to acquire occupancy certification
  • Beginning Certificate
  • Completion Certificate
  • constructed and Section design
  • Photos of the completed structure
  • Tax assessment with tax paid invoice
  • Copy of the approved plan

What if the builder fails to give you an occupancy certification?

Though, you can take lawful action against the builder, If the builder refuses or fails to give an Occupancy certification. legal notice can be issued, questioning him to give the Occupancy certification, or you can indeed take the case to the consumer court. The real Estate Regulation & Development Act (RERA) is anticipated to especially minimize the cases of similar fraud by builders or the dealer. Still, as the property proprietor, you have a lookout for similar fraud, or you need to ensure that all the important documents are within your hand, to secure your right over your property.

Picture of signature


In the excitement of getting a new home, we tend to overlook some of the documents/ certifications. But could compromise our lives and hard-earned capital over the years. In a moment’s world, people try to manipulate you, making you believe numerous effects. That includes only getting the property registered in your name is sufficient to have a certified possession. There have been cases, especially in metropolitan megacities like Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, etc. People have been asked to quit the location as it was unauthorized. Also, there have been cases where buyers were tricked without an occupancy certification. This compromised lives and occasionally lead to the death of residers. But we, as genuine nationalists, should take care of our loved ones. And for whom we’ve adored hard work to have an assured accommodation.

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The Indian government and its supporting bodies are responsible for introducing various government housing schemes from time to time. The government housing schemes aim to subsidies on home loan interest to the person to purchase, construct or acquire a pucca house with basic amenities like electricity, water, toilets, etc. All these pieces of information show the vision of government that ensures a home for everyone in the country. The government of India and most of the state governments offer several affordable housing schemes to resolve the problem of homelessness in the country. These schemes also work towards inclusion and allow those who are from the middle and lower-income groups to fulfill their dream of owning a home b their own. Buying a home through a government affordable housing scheme will help you avoid high property prices and enjoy better-quality constructions.

Affordable Housing Schemes in India

Some of the affordable housing schemes in India, supported by either the State or Central Government are-

  • Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)
  • Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojana
  • DDA Housing Scheme
  • Tamil Nadu Housing Board Scheme
  • Rajiv Awas Yojana
  • NTR Housing Scheme

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)

PMAY was launched in 2015 with the aim of  20 million housing units for the homeless by March 2022. At the end of its first phase, more, than 1 crore similar houses were formerly constructed and allocated to beneficiaries. Affordable housing aims to take ownership of homes a reality for all sections of society, including the lower-income group. under this scheme, the central government provides an interest subsidy on the acquisition and construction of the house. In addition, you can also avail the benefits of the scheme for the addition of rooms, toilets, kitchen, etc.PMAY is divided into two-phase, are:

  • PMAY Urban
  • PMAY Gramin

As the names of these schemes indicate, the former dreams of helping metro residers acquire the proper home. The PMAY Gramin scheme, on the other side, is concerned with delivering affordable housing answers to countryside area residers.


Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojana

Under this government housing scheme, personals or families earn up toRs. 6 lakh per year are eligible to claim benefits, similar to the allotment of a housing unit. Similar units should feature space of at least 25 square meters. Also, assignees would take monetary support ofRs.1.2 lakh if they live in plain areas and Rs.1.3 lakh if they live in hilly regions.

DDA Housing Scheme

The Delhi Development Authority Housing Scheme or DDA is an exclusive gift from the Delhi government, which provides apartments to the high-income group, middle-income group, and low-income group members. Special reservations are also preserved for narrow families from the economically weaker section.

Some of the key eligibility criteria for DDA housing schemes are:

  • The minimum age required is 18 years
  • The applicant must not own a flat or any other residential property in Delhi in his/her name or the name of spouse or the dependent children
  • If you have already been allotted any house/flat under DDA or through any other agency you are not eligible for the scheme.

The process of the DDA application form is simple and you need to follow the steps as mentioned below:

  • Fill the application form
  • Provide ID proof like Adhaar Card, PAN card (mandatory)
  • Registration fees as per flat

Tamil Nadu Housing Board Scheme

Tamil Nadu Housing Board Scheme or TNHB is one of the famous housing schemes in India. Under this particular scheme, the Tamil Nadu state government provides apartments or flats to LIG and MIG appliers living within the state’s borders. Similar apartments are available for individualities to move in after they service a nominal capital as the first deposit.

  • Trichy unit of TNHB provides shops, commercial units, nursery schools, secondary schools, and other public amenities through an auction in areas like Pudokottai, Navalpattu, Manapparai, and Valavanthankottai. The application money for it is 15% of the total price.
  • The Thanjavur housing unit of TNHB provides units under various schemes such as Tamil University Campus, Self Fiance Scheme, Thanjavur Scheme, and Tamil University NH Scheme. Tp o apply the applicant should be above 21 years of age and must not have any property throughout the country.
  • The Besant Nagar division of TNHB provides flats through a draw of lots in Indira Nagarand Sholingalnallur while applying you need to deposit 5% of the unit cost.

Rajiv Awas Yojana

Rajiv Awas Yojana looks to rule out slums by offering legalized choices to slum- residers. Launched in 2009, this particular governance housing scheme also ensures the provision of essential municipal amenities and structures in being slums, thereby perfecting the quality of life for these residents.

NTR Urban Housing Scheme

Residers of Andhra Pradesh can turn to their state’s affordable casing program, the NTR Urban scheme when seeking support related to property affordability. representatives would need to contribute just around one-third of the home loan star quantum, while the rest will be dropped by the state and Central governments.

Haryana Housing Board Housing Scheme

The Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA), which is known as Haryana Shahari Vikas Pradhikaran (HSVP) scheme, is a new housing scheme by the Haryana Housing Board. This scheme offers freehold household and mass-market plots for construction and allocation in the state, primarily for the socially and economically weaker sections of the society.

You’ll have to take part in a lottery as per the conditions and deadlines to get the benefits of the housing scheme. You need to pay a participation figure and your family income should be over to INR 3lakh. However, you’ll get access to a freehold plot, If you win the draw.

Kerala Housing Board Housing Scheme

Kerala State Housing Board was introduced in 1971. The board applied multiple housing construction schemes and home loan schemes to meet the household requirements of the economically weaker section. Some of the notable housing schemes that the board has accepted are.

Home Loan on Housing Schemes

Only a few reputed monetary institutions offer housing loans to scheme claimants. These lenders would need to cleave to the scheme’s features and charge interest consequently. It’s always casual to stay informed and careful about stuff around you especially when it comes to buying a home. having a house is a crucial factor that influences an individual financially and emotionally! Still, if you’re ready both emotionally and financially, the procedure of going through to have your dream house isn’t that tricky now.

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