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Noida sector 150 is going to speed up world-class infrastructure which is considered NCR’s smartest and greenest sector of Noida. Sector 150 Noida will be the greenest sector of NCR which has 80% of the sector will be green while with 20% for construction, one of the biggest parks in the country in the country is also being developed in the same sector. Apart from that, the Noida authority has also planned to develop a SPORTS CITY which is being developed by LOTUS GREENS developer. The low-density SPORTS CITY, which is developed on 300 acres at a cost of over rs.2300 crore will offer recreational as well as residential facilities.  This SPORT CITY will go a long way in establishing sports infrastructure and become a sports destination. In today’s lifestyle people have dropped physical activities. The idea is to offer sports more accessible to the people and to promote healthy living. The SPORT CITY project will also house a 9-hole golf course. The maximum permissible ground coverage of the entire land shall be 30% of which 0.5% will be reserved for group housing and residential use. The rest 70% will have a sports open area and sports hall, cricket academy, swimming center, a hospital, and internal roads and green spaces. The crucial factor which differentiates Sector 150 from other regions is the presence of massive green spaces. The land-use planning of Noida Sector 150 has been accepted in a pattern that ensures 80 percent of the 600-acre land parcel remains under verdure and only the remaining 20 percent is allocated.

These projects are located at the crossroad of three roadways and are well-connected to the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway. Prospective home buyers would find themselves close to job capitals. The design includes20.74 acres of development, offering two and three-bedroom places. There are over six acres of central green space meant for rest and amenities. Buyers can also cherish these smart homes equipped with gas leakage sensors, digital stir detectors, app-controlled lighting, mileage operations operation, RFID- enabled parking access, digital AV door phones, app-controlled appliances, and over 20 life amenities. For a limited period, the company is offering seductive pricing, as well. Interested buyers can bespeak now and pay only 15 in equal inaugurations.

The domestic projects in Noida at Sector-150 notice good greenery. It buzzing and strategically located in the convergence of Yamuna and Hindon River. It has witching flora that grabs the attention of the builders and the buyer The rapid-fire real estate conditioning is spiking in this area and according to the experts, Noida Sector-150 is getting the hottest investment hotspot in NCR with a whopping 80 percent green cover and being the greenest sector. This low-density area boasts the quality of life in healthy neighborhoods. The stylish properties in Noida are landing up in this region at stylish prices. The ideal investment occasion for you if you’re looking for a decoration property. Smart home automation moment is getting a ubiquitous technology – From opening bone’s curtain in the morning to conforming the lighting of the room according to one’s mood, smart homes are getting an integral part of our diurnal lives. Giving us the capability to cover the house with our phone/ I pad or Laptop.

Technology has a good impact on the way things are done and humans have been adapting to it. Smart homes automation is not only a vision, it is a new beginning. In the next few years, the concept of ideal smart homes will transform the way humans interact with all the appliances and devices. Today customers seek a smart home solution for its many advantages to users, from energy-saving security and convenience to premium aesthetics. Pandemic has changed everything in many ways that we do whether it’s that we work or interact or even we go out. The amenability to borrow the connected home ecosystem is on the rise among consumers as they realize the benefits offered due to cost savings through energy effectiveness, home monitoring capabilities from remote locales & increased comfort & convenience along enhanced decoration feel for their homes.

The Smart Home ecosystem is the future, which will anticipate one’s requirements and offer consumers a different life that’s further connected, accessible, and smarter & will have the capability of plugging into the smart metropolises of the future. With numerous biases and appliances getting connected, let’s take a step back to understand how all these technological advancements have been conspiring to produce commodities bigger, smarter, and novel. With the growth of the civic middle class and the rise in their disposable income, people started to total and install colorful appliances that were meant to ease lives, allowing them the luxury of time. Ultimately, as it came tough to manage these numerous biases, a need was felt for a smarter ecosystem that would manage them with ease. Riding on the reverse of increased penetration of smart bias and access to affordable Internet across the country, the conception of connected living came into being, making an easy, comfortable, and secure life a reality.

Communication plays an important part in this home mechanization system for the remote access of these operations. A Smart Home system also provides nonstop monitoring through videotape surveillance with cameras, scheduling, and energy-saving operations. This is the stylish result indeed for the senior and the impaired persons to operate types of outfit. Home mechanization systems have long been considered exclusive products constructed for the unimaginably fat or those abiding in first-world countries.

Technology has developed so importantly that in moment’s times anyone can go home mechanization systems, customized to individual requirements. in the once many times, with the median age of the Indian population rising to around 28 times and people successfully getting employed buying homes by the time they’re 35-38 times old, there’s now a social class that has disposable income that they can fluently spend. They’re frequently either technophile or are habituated to the rearmost technological advancements or people who want to find ways in which they can enhance their day-to-day living experience especially the time that they spend at home. Thus, particular comfort and convenience are important motorists of their opinions when spending plutocrat on their homes. Numerous of these homes also have situations where both the mates are working and have senior parents or children at home. Security is important for similar families and they won’t mind spending a redundant buck to keep their loved bones safe.


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A Home Loan or Housing Loan is a quantity of capital that an individual borrows from a bank or economic institution at a certain rate of interest which is to be paid back every month. The property is considered as security by the monetary institution to consider your home loan eligibility. The property can be marketable or individual. Have you applied for a home loan or looking to use yourself for a loan? Utmost first-time homebuyers apply for a loan while buying a house. There are numerous home loans offered by private or nationwide banks or non-banking economic institutions in India.

Types of home loans available in India

  1. Home purchase loans

A home loan is used to buy a household property which is 80-85 of the demand value of the house. Home loan interest rates can be fixed, floating, or either crossbreed.

Important points to consider

  • Banks loan 85 percent of the demand value of the house.
  • A home loan is a secure loan where the collateral is personal.
  • The eligibility for a home loan can be refined by associating the applier’s partner, parent, or child’s income.
  • A home loan is eligible for the tax deduction for the primary capability and the interest levied on it
  1. Land purchase loan

Similar loans are given by banks or non-banking monetary companies (NBFCS) to buy a plot or land on which the loan applier is looking to construct a house, which is 80-85 of the total cost of the land.

  1. Home construction loan

Banks and monetary institutions issue home loans to people who want to construct a house on a plot that’s commanded or co-owned by them.

Important points to consider

  • Deals deed, approved structure plan, No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the individual authority need to be attached with the operation form.
  • Any changes in the approved plan are similar as a contravention of the boundaries, expansion beyond the approved area, etc. will bring on the bank to concrete the loan.
  • Home construction loans offer tax advantages, unlike other loans, for the interest compensated till the time the construction has been completed.
  • Loan for home construction doesn’t cover costs like wall painting, lighting, plumbing, etc.

  1. NRI home loans

NRI home loans support non-resident Indians who are interested in buying a household property in India. The structure of this home loan is resembling regular home loans, the paperwork is a bit more comprehensive and tedious.

  1. Home conversion loans

Current home loan borrowers who require to move into another property can apply for a home conversion loan to buy a new property.

  1. Home extension loans

This loan is taken by persons who have a house and need finances to expand or extend their living house.

  1. Home advancement loans

Home advancement loans are served by persons who hold a house but don’t have the finances to repair it. The modification includes repairing the old house, painting the walls, digging a borewell, waterproofing, electrical wiring inside or outside the house. Differ from major modification work, these loans can be applied for essential work like washroom fittings, fans, furnishings, etc. freelance- employed and salaried persons can apply for these loans specifically first-time home buyers. The lowest demand for this loan is at least 21 spans while the maximum age is limited to the pullback age of the candidate.

There are some terms and conditions that the banks extend before giving out a home loan. There are certain parameters according to which banks estimate your application and important factors that impact your home loan eligibility.

Factors that Influence Home Loan


The time estimated to pay off a loan is called” tenancy”. Your tenancy is hung on age and your capability to pay it off in a certain period. The capability of a beginner person to pay off the home loan will be better than that of a person who’s middle-aged or old.


Your income is the most important deciding factor that influences the banks and monetary institutions willing to be lenders. The banks will loan a further quantity of capital to you if your income is high. The banks and monetary institutions allege that you have a certain sum of income to be eligible for a home loan which varies as per profession.

Qualification and experience

If your work experience and academic credentials are spectacular also the odds of the bank granting you a loan would be advanced. A salaried person who has two or three times of work experience will be eligible for a home loan. A freelance-employed person should have a company that should have been functional for many periods with cash payoffs and return. Tax returns should also have been filed in the company’s favor.

Type of employment

The type of employment you have will impact the home loan eligibility. Banks want to know as to whether you’re an Employed professional, Self-Employed Professional (SEP), or a freelanced- Employed Non-Professional (SENP). The eligibility conditions vary agreeing to your confirmation of employment. If you have changed your job constantly also your prospects of getting a home loan would be reduced.

Down payment

It isn’t simply the primary and the interest factors of your EMI that one needs to worry about. The finances for the compass capital needs to be negotiated. The lender gives 80 percent of the demand value of the property while the borrower must organize the 20 percent of the demand valuation of the property.


Your home loan eligibility will be affected by the number of dependents who are depending on your income. The chances of a home loan being sanctioned are reduced if you have further dependents. Lenders calculate the Fixed-Obligation-to- Income Ratio (FOIR), which takes down a share of your income that you use to support your family members.

Credit and Payment history

Your Credit Score (CIBIL) and Payment record give the lender an idea of whether you’re able of repaying the home loan and how have you handled your arrears in history. A credit score is given to you as per your credit history which allows the banks to decide whether you’re eligible for the loan. However, Credit Score isn’t the only criterion that banks consider before giving out a loan.

Other responsibilities you have

Though, also the probability of the bank loaning out a loan will be lower, If have too multiple loans to repay. This indicates that the candidate is under the weight of too important debt. Lenders figure the Debt-Service-Coverage- Ratio (DSCR) to decide the rate of your total current debt to your total current income.

Market Lending Rates

The Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) rules and request lending/ interest rates can greatly impact your debt and advances. Interest rates impact the cost of taking up capital. Advanced the home loan interest rate, the cost of home loan will be high. Presently some of the nationalized banks offering the minimum home loan interest rates are as follows

State Bank of India – 8.05%

Syndicate Bank -8.15%

Punjab National Bank – 8.25%

Taking a home loan is a trustworthy and logical option to finance your home purchase as it offers finances at your disposal and comes with a long tenancy that makes reimbursement an easy task. Choosing the right lender and familiarising yourself with the process of the types of home loans and eligibility criteria will help you guarantee a smooth experience.

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Delhi is the capital city of India. It maintains its reputation by providing one of the great infrastructures around the world regarding commercial and residences. The projects available in the city are extraordinary. One can easily invest and avail a good return shortly. The demand for such properties is quite overwhelming. The home seekers are currently looking for the best residences to invest their future in the suburbs. The suburbs are developing at a fast pace. To find similar homes, one can go to Noida. Noida is becoming a great investment place in India. Many big developers are showing their interest to develop their projects in Noida especially in Noida sector 150. This sector is becoming the first choice of investors, home buyers, or developers for the projects after the announcement of various government facilities like Jewar Airport, Metro Stations, Film City, Expressways, and many more. Many prestigious builders are showing interest in this sector for the best return of investment because of the amenities, surrounding, government facilities and most important factor of Sector 150 Noida is that it’s becoming the first wire-free sector in Noida. Noida Sector 150 is the greenest sector of Noida which offers 80% of greenery so that environment-friendly investors can happily invest in this area. In this sector, many prestigious builders are coming up with their new projects, and one of the tops considered developers among buyers these days are ATS GROUP they offer projects like:






 ATS Group is a trusted brand in the real estate industry. Needless to mention, this brand has provided the best residential projects to the needy in the leading cities. This time it has chosen Noida sector 150 to create a landmark. The new ventures will be the best bet for a secure future ahead. The home-seeking families and investors are eagerly waiting for the launch of the properties here. The brand has chosen one of the most prime locations in Delhi NCR. The new sectors are giving ample space for the development of the residential and corporate infrastructure. The homes close to the industrial hubs are ideal for professionals. To find such homes, you can trust ATS Group as it has chosen Noida Sector 150 as the prime location. There is no uncertainty that the projects will be witnessing good appreciation in the future. ATS Group makes bound to add comfort to every corner with the fashionable look and ultramodern features. You’ll get something that you’ve got supposed in our precisely designed dream apartments. ATS Group considers that house is where your heart is. That’s why they not only construct the walls but make it’s known for your dreams. Over the period’s ATS Group builder has gained the responsibility of structuring effective living addresses that produced trust among the homebuyers. Their projects are always valued by capitalists.

Investment within the home is a superb decision that will help you save redundant capital in the future. Although there are numerous contractors within the request only a couple of names are as effective as we are. ATS is that the name related to solid construction and elegant infrastructure. ATS doesn’t only construct but also changes your dreams into reality. ATS Group is meant to supply cost-effective living apartments with world-class establishments and ultramodern amenities that enhance a premium way of life. Living on the edge of nature is everyone’s want and that they simply seek to meet it in your way. Tactically framed and aesthetically designed residing points are patiently expecting you! ATS Group has set a typical by delivering luxury apartments cheaply. It’s best known for effective structure, fabulous design, and for making attractively fabulous homes. Rated among the superb builders in India, ATS Group is that the name behind a number of the foremost distinguished household plans in India.


Experience Joyful Living with Ample of Luxury
ATS Home Kraft has now launched Pious Orchards in tandem with Pious Orchards. It is the true epitome of luxurious living. Keeping security at most priority: you will never face any kind of problem inside the gated complex.

Define Luxurious Living in a More Promising Manner

Nicely-constructed Pious Orchards prove true heaven for those who prefer luxurious living. This residential complex of the top real estate giant is strategically located in Noida Sector 150. Therefore, you will never face any kind of problem when it comes to arriving at any location of the Delhi-NCR region in a quick time as well as in a comfortable manner.

From Home Kraft, the Legacy of ATS Continues

Pious Orchards is a complete set of 12 impressive residential property buildings. It means you will surely find your dream home in a single visit. These buildings are based on Spanish Architecture, remain assured of enjoying an exotic residential experience while staying protected against all kinds of security issues.

Latest Security Measures Ensure Confident Living

You will never face any kind of problem to find the required amenities for a problem-free life. All kinds of necessities to live a comfortable life are available nearby. It simply means you will only take a few minutes to reach school, hospital, college, shopping mall, movie theatre, or amusement park. This gated complex boasts an 80% open area as well as comprises a dedicated play area for kids and a jogging track for fitness enthusiasts and much more. Exemplify the best of your smart decision-making senses with timely purchase. Finest-living is waiting for you and welcomes you with both hands.

Buy With Flexible Payment Plans

Buyers will never face any kind of problem buying the dream home in Pious Orchards with its flexible payment plans. The booking price is low and premiums are affordable. To find the most suitable payment plan according to your budget, you can unhesitatingly connect to the sales representatives through any latest means of communication. Sincere senior officials consistently remain ready to acknowledge each solicitation with a truly professional approach and do the needful with the most viable purchase plan.

A Pious Orchard is a place that has nurturing greenery and ultra-modern elevation in the paradise taking shape in the greenest sector of Noida. Get the best where you enjoy the comforts of the city and breathe in the freshness of nature. Settle down in an environment that is superbly crafted and reflects pure sheer. ATS Home Kraft Pious Orchards Noida is a fabulous project that brings you closer to convenient living in a pampering world. The privileged amenities and iconic facilities will adore you rightly in the gated community.


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