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Vastu Tips for Homes

Even today, at the origin of a new technological era, many follow Vastu tips for their home. They believe in the essential power of Vastu Shastra, which would help them cleanse their abode of all the negativity and instill peace, positivity, and prosperity.

What is Vastu?

Vastu is not just mythical or religious. It’s more of a ‘Way of Living.’ Most faults inside the empire of Vastu come after crafting that much space. These faults can be quickly rendered and remodeled using artifact shifts and minor alterations.


Some of the most basic Vastu tips for homes are:

  1. The North-East region of every habitat should be kept clean. Avoid these walls for forming places or shelves.
  2. Do not nail photographs on the North-Eastern walls using Iron nails or pins. Rather, It’s always good to hang photographs and stickers on North-Eastern Walls.

But when it comes to apartments and condos, such principles don’t go well because of adjoining walls and divided spaces with other apartments. Below are some easy Vastu

Tips that should be bolstered ( kept) in mind before buying a Flat/ Apartment.

  1. Ground footings should be angling towards North-East.
  2. A well or a water origin should be there in the North-East region. ( Rather before Construction)
  3. Sundecks should be placed towards North, East, or better the North-East.
  4. Staircases should be in the South, West, or South-West region of the condo.
  5. North-East region should be utilized as parking spots/ areas.
  6. Yards and Children’s play area should be in a North-South region. ( unspecified)

Are Vastu and Vastu Shastra Different?

Vastu and Vastu Shastra are both identical. Vastu a. k.a Vastu Sastra is an architectural setup of India. This setup is about the wisdom behind the structure and its multiple processes.

According to Hindu and Shaman beliefs, suchlike architectural stylistics major influence a frame. integrating different geometric figures and alignments, Vastu Shastra collaborates as a vast collection of possible layouts for a better and suitable place for Homes.

The History

A Home’s construction always comes under an individual need. And each structure will need a special energy class. This is where the principles of Vastu get headed. When such a belief of Vastu gets linked with that family, it noway settles for a negotiation.  It’s Atharvaveda, which talks about Vastu as divine planning. In this 20th century agreement, when families make opinions regarding Villas and Condos, Vastu is the reality that every home thinks over. For some, it’s a traditional belief; for others, it’s a part of the renovation, and for the last set of religionists, it’s a compulsory thing.

Picture of Atharvaveda

These are some of the stylish Vastu tips for Homes relegated especially for the numerous chambers and corridor

1) It’s all about the Main Gateway

As per Vastu Sastra, the main entrance of every home is considered the key gate of Vastu energy. According to this rule, the main door should face the North-East path. While doing so, the step-in entry will be in the North-East position. Such a position is also known as the threshold of uprightness and well-being.  As per similar rules, there shouldn’t be any negative areas near this entry door. Bathrooms and Wash areas are exactly condemned in these areas. Ambient lighting should light the way, and the door should open in a clockwise way.

2) The Living Room Vastu

This room is considered the most living space for gathering. hence, this true space can bring varied first impresses. In such a case, it’s always good to classify this room under the clutter-free zone. Heavy and Massive furnishings should be kept near the South-West region. All electrical consumer things should be placed in the South-East area. Living room glasses and reflective antiques should be placed on the northern wall. You can also add varied Vastu- tractable works in your living room as well as other areas to add positivity and fortune to your home.

3) Cozy yet Cosmic Bedrooms Vastu

Every bedroom should have an accurate location. Thus, plans commonly go for the South-West region. While forming the bed, the mattress should be set up in the South-West region. It’s an ultramodern thing to place huge TVs inside the bedroom for recreational purposes. This should be avoided when the TV is right in front of the bed. Bedroom color should be neutral and light in color. Always go for bright tones rather than dark and black ones. According to ultramodern propositions, it’s always good to use mood lightings inside bedrooms rather than incandescent lights, which throw a bright tone.

4) The Kitchen Vastu

Kitchens act as the origin of the food we consume. Hence it should be aligned and cleansed consisting to Vastu to assure that the origin of energy we develop from the food remains free from negativity. The elegant spot to place the kitchen in your home, according to Vastu would be the South East, anything affiliated to fire similar as cookstoves, microwave oven toasters, etc. also should be in the same position. Therefore, you should always store grains and other food objects in the southwest part of your kitchen.

5) The Pooja Room Vastu

When you follow Vastu Tips for residences, how can you neglect the sanctum sanctorum of your residence? The pooja space is the religious spot in our home, which helps us to communicate with the sacred in the confines of our home. The pooja space, as per Vastu, should always be situated in the North-East area of the home. Only light colors similar to light yellow or light blue should be used in the pooja chambers.

6 ) The Kids Room Vastu

How can Vastu support Child Care? Vastu plays a massive part in every child’s internal aliment and performance. Some necessary stuff should be followed during the construction of a Child-friendly room.

These are the Vastu Tips for Home especially curated for the children’s area

  1. The study room should be in the North-East region of the house. This specific room shouldn’t exist under a washroom or a toilet or indeed a shaft palace.
  2. No dim lights should be utilized in the child’s room. Sunshine and cross-Ventilation should be moreover in this individualized room structure.
  3. It’s always good to remove obstacles from the child’s room like pillars, massive antiques, and open shelves.
  4. The door of the toilet shouldn’t be directly contrary to the child’s bed. According to numerous faith systems, washrooms tend to soak positive energy from the room.
  5. Eventually, the perfect room shade of a child’s bedroom, according to Vastu, is Green as it soothes the brain and improves the thinking credentials of the kid.


Even after all these computations, Vastu is noticed and considered as being imaginary, following these Vastu tips for houses will boost the positivity of your home. Vastu is and will constantly remain a super, sophisticated matrix between life and living.

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If “How to Maintain your House” or “How to Reduce House care maintenance Cost?” is your question. It’s being that we all consider from time to time too! Looking at stunning minimum houses with clean insides and wondering how they do it. How do they’ve such like great house management, keep low house maintenance costs? How are they maintaining a house like that? What’s their secret? Bother no further, and some simple yet introductory ideas to clean up your homes and make them more, MUCH BETTER!

  1. Don’t Blow The Dust Around!

The first mistake that we make during our house maintenance is the simplest. We blow dust around compared to wiping the place up. Whenever we see a messed-up table, we come along to blow the dust off rather than make work to take time and clean the dust off. The smart way is to have small dust clothes which can get the job done if it’s a little wet with water or any cleanser of your preference will do the trick too.

  1. Clean the Air channels and not just the visible ones!

This is only in cases where one has an internalized air system, which is coming more common. With the need to keep low house conservation costs, regular own-cleaning of the air channels can lead to better air that one breathes helps in their health. An essential House conservation element that must be considered each around the timepiece, but it’s being we let go of due to the tedious nature.

  1. Control Dust Particles in Your Bed to have a peaceful sleep!

You may have seen the videotapes about dead skin, dander, and dust particles piling up in your mattress over time. They set up in bedcover and pillows, and other parts of the bed. This is another great tip at house upkeep! Reduce this by vacuuming the mattress seasonally and cleaning your bedcover regularly. This is another one of the uncredited ways of house conservation.

Now’s what to wash in your bedclothes’s

  1. bedsheets and pillowcases
  2. Mattress covers, duvet covers, and uncovered quilts
  3. Duvet inserts, bed skirts, bed-covers, and pillows

  1. Vacuum the Right Way and not in the RIGHT way!

The general rule in house conservation is to vacuum each room wall-to-wall once a week. even so, there’s further to it than just pushing the vacuum back and forth. Work in slow, overspreading strokes and strokes. Utmost of us vacuum too quickly, so the machine does not have a proper chance to stink up all the dirt and dust. again, once you’ve wiped the walls, turn at a right angle, and also do to vacuum the room wall-to-wall yet again. You will get over much further dirt when you vacuum the ground the right way.

  1. Use the Right stuff to Clean Dust. You likely might be doing it wrong!

Feather dusters are vintage and cuter, but they do a horrible job of removing dirt and dust. Indeed if you follow the recommendations to stroke the exteriors rather than just” tingling” them, the dust will fall out of it as you walk out of the room. Your vacuum’s better with the soft-risen dusting attachment can do a fantastic job cleansing drapes or curtains,mini-blinds, and baseboards could be a step closer to maintaining a house.

  1. Use the wiping piece Trick, and yes! It does work!

The drier the interior air, the further dust you will see in your home. That is because dry air leads dry skin to slip flakes. Indeed Parched interior air also leeches humidity out of your furnishings and the war paint to cracks. However, keep using it continually during cold spells, If you have a home humidifier system. Therefore humidifiers and diffusers can help in house conservation.

  1. Minimize Clutter!

It makes sense, does not it the less stuff you have sitting around collecting dust, the lesser dust you will see in your homes? So, for getting your home’s dust problem under control, you need to deal with the clutter issues first. Keep counter-tops all clear of belongings you do not use day-to-day. Give out or contribute clothes and other goods you are tired of or which no longer fit you or your taste. STOP HOARDING! Hang up clothes and keep your closets clean so they are easy to vacuum, thus making it the elegant way for house conservation.

  1. Replace Your Old Carpets NOW!

Ultramodern home buyers prefer hardwood flooring for an excellent reason, and one major bone being, it’s cleaner! Over time, carpets trap dirt beneath their pads that indeed the really neat vacuum can not fully remove them from underneath. Shampooing or brume and wiping your carpet rightly helps as a pro tip in house conservation, but do not let your carpet wear out, fade and incision quickly. Also, it further adds carpet fiber pieces and sizes to the dust flying around in your home. However, also please replace your carpets with hardwood flooring, If you can own it then it’s so much cooler to keep it hygienic! You’ll notice this within a month of installation, if not sooner.

  1. Groom animals Outdoors As And When You Can!

Our furry buddies are not just about love and fellowship alone. They bring an extraordinary volume of dust by spreading dead skin and hair apiece- around your house. From your bedroom to your dining area, anywhere they move, they leave their mark. Regular grooming helps keep them under control. scrape them outside, and fluff will stay out of your home. Gather the dust and flakes upward in a towelette or paper when you are done and shake it outdoors. This is an undervalued house preservation tip.

  1. Clean Your Air Too on wiping Days!

Ironically, wiping your home again sends a lot of dust flying around! Rather than letting it settle down on the furnishings or grounds, put your home’s HVAC to work. No matter the time of the period, this trick to house conservation does the job. You can do this by simply turning on your system’s exhaust while you clean, at least 15 minutes longer. The exhaust will ” sweep” the air through and through with the help of your home’s clarifier, which will, in turn, remove any dust you disturbed while wiping. Be sure to shut it off afterward, and your cabinetwork will stay dust-free for longer.

  1. Creating a Maintenance Schedule

You need to have a proper conservation schedule in place. The schedule would help you to assure that every part of the property or your home is clean. When each area is wiped from time to time, it can reduce the workload. Along with the aforesaid tips, you can fluently save a lot. Hence, your conservation cost for your dream home would get reduced.

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